Thursday, February 21, 2013

Banks are GANGSTERS...Save Yourself

The way the banking industry is currently and even in the past they treat and hold their customers hostage then rip them off. It's like being corners in a ally with a person who you thought was with you now they are robbing you. They receive aid from the government to fix the housing market, yet they pocket the dough and still insisting that the borrowers folk over more money. Wait wasn't the bail out money the customers tax payers money??? Wow the biggest hood wink ever. When you finally reach them they are twisted in their mouth like a crook caught with their hands in the cookie jar and still pretending as if he is the innocent knowing nothing that's going on. Folks I employ you use cash if you can. Thy lending institution is corrupt and one day they will burn in Hell...Just evil. Smh

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Are You Buying For Need or For Price?

If you decide to purchase a home for your family you might not want to look at price first, but rather sacrifice for need. Need will become a significant factor in the long run. You will find that more room will be needed as your family continues to grow. So getting a house cheap but is smaller than what you desire can come back to haunt your decision to buy it.